The Land Registry Excerpt is solely for informational purposes, therefore does not prove the contents of the entries in the Registry. It provides information on the current entries related to the property of interest, which will contain at least a unique identification code (Código Registral Único or CRU), owner(s), rights and the surface or area, nature and boundaries, as well as prohibitions or restrictions that may affect the owner(s) of such rights. Similarly, it will include the existence or non-existence of encumbrances and any charges levied on the property registered.
Land Registry Excerpts may be requested according to the following search criteria :
- Name of the owner of the property or right.
- Company name of the holder of the property or right.
- Código Registral Único (CRU).
- Property number.
- Cadastral number in the case of properties coordinated with the Spanish cadastre or identified in the cadastral cartography.
- ID card number (DNI); tax identification number (NIF); foreigner identification number (NIE); passport number.
- Address (street, court, etc.).
It may also be requested by means of a geolocation system through the Association of Registrars geoportal at the following address:
How to request it
You must enter at least one of the following data:
The CRU (Unique Registry Code, and formerly known as IDUFIR, Unique Registered Property ID), regulated by article 9 of Law 13/2015, is configured as the unique identifier of the registered properties at a national level, generated from a unique identification system designed by the Association of Registrars.
- Name of the owner of the property (name, company name and/or NIF)
You should note that this search includes not only the full ownership but all the rights in the favour of the owner whatever its nature is, like mortgage, usufruct, etc.
If no value is specified in NIF/NIE/Passport/Identity Card field, multiple owners with similar name and surnames may appear, and you will not have any additional criterion to distinguish them.
Those registrations made before Royal Decree 1368/1992 of 13th November became effective, by which specific articles of the Mortgage Regulation and the Notary Regulation are modified, may not include the NIF of the owner in whose favor inscription was made.
If the selected owner has at least one registered right, you will receive the information excerpt(s) corresponding to his/her ownerships, for the maximum number of properties that you entered.
If there are not any properties or rights registered in the name of the selected owner, a negative location excerpt circumscribed to the selected territory will be generated.
- Registration data (province, municipality, Land Registry Office and property number)
- Other details (province, municipality, Land Registry Office and other details like address, area, eventual owner, etc.)
This type of consultation allows searching by using the location details of the property (street, place, etc.) or/and other details, like its possible owner. In any case, the municipality and Land Registry Office where to address the request is mandatory, and for this purpose a Locator of Land Registry Offices is available to users.
However, note that Land Registry indexes are configured either by CRU/number of registered property or by owner, so we recommend users to provide all details available to prevent the request made through the search by other details from not being successful (due to lack of sufficient data for locating the property or no matches found for the owner entered)
Is subscription to this service mandatory?
Subscription to this service is not mandatory. While you can make a request as an occasional user, digital certificate authentication is mandatory.
Why should I claim legitimate interest?
In order to process the request, it is necessary to state the purpose of the consultation for the Registrar to assess the legitimacy of interest and issue the certificate if appropriate as well as it remains at the disposal of the property owner who may, in turn, consult the information issued regarding his or her property and the causes of interest alleged.
How much does it cost?
The Registrar will bill the user directly for the request according to a price of 9.02 euros each (taxes and withholding not included).
How to access to information
Once the Certificate has been issued, you will receive a message with a link to the website where you can download it in pdf format.
You may requeste translation into English at a cost of 30€ (taxes and withholding not included).